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This solution investigates respondents’ Emotional Intelligence (EI) in terms of the conceptual framework proposed by Daniel Goleman and his colleagues. This framework defines EI as a set of personal and inter-personal competencies that can be refined and developed through mentoring, coaching and training.The solution can be used to identify personal strengths and development areas in each of the EI competency domains, facilitate personal development or structure behavioural interviews in order to inform and support selection decisions.


The EI domains and competency clusters used in the solution are:

Personal Domain:

  • Self-awareness Competency Cluster – includes: Emotional Self-awareness; Self-confidence and Accurate Self-assessment.

  • Self-management Competency Cluster – includes: Emotional Self-control; Optimism; Achievement Orientation; Forward Planning; Conscientiousness; Adaptability and Trustworthiness.

Inter-Personal Domain:

  • Social Awareness Competency Cluster – includes: Empathy; Interpersonal Openness; Organisational (‘political’) Awareness and Service Orientation.

  • Relationship Management Competency Cluster– includes: Persuasiveness; Conflict Management; Inspirational Leadership; Change Catalyst; Team Working and Open Communication.

Emotional Intelligence

SKU: 364215376135191
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