Identification of Management Derailers

The Derailer Solution is a brief screening tool that identifies individuals whose personalities present a risk of undermining the organisation’s success and derailing team performance. It identifies twelve dysfunctional behaviours that can impair a person’s performance and present challenges for the team or organisation in which he/she is working.
Perfect for adults who currently applying for management or leadership positions to support selection process.
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What the Solution Measures
The Management Derailers Solution describes respondents’ results in terms of a series of behavioural syndromes that can present challenges for organisations in a variety of work settings. The behaviours assessed in this solution have been developed from the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organisation’s systems for classifying personality disorders and from the seminal work of Theodore Millon on dysfunctional personality types. Despite the origin of these behaviours it should be noted, however, that the solution does not assess clinical problems, but rather personality types that can be problematic in work settings.
Although the behavioural syndromes identified in the Derailer Solution typically present significant challenges in most organisations and employment contexts, it should be noted that such syndromes can also be characteristic of high achievers. (Such individuals may however require ongoing mentoring and support if they are not to destabilise their colleagues and the organisation they are working in). The Derailer Solution should therefore be interpreted in the context of the specific job role that the individual is being assessed for, and with reference to the organisational culture they will be working in.
Eccentric – Absent-minded: Disdainful of practical matters, prone to generate fanciful ideas, forgetful, unconventional, lacking realism.
Appeasing – Acquiescent: Passive, unassertive, keen to placate others, requires high levels of support and reassurance, lacking self-confidence.
Suspicious – Mistrustful: Cynical, guarded, prone to be impatient, intolerant and to have difficulty forming trusting mutually supportive relationships.
Volatile – Explosive: tense-driven, lacking in frustration tolerance and social restraint, direct, forthright, temperamental, unpredictable.
Undisciplined – Nonconformist: Not bound by organisational rules regulations and procedures, inattentive to detail, prone to make careless mistakes.
Detached – Disengaged: Distant, aloof, socially inhibited, prone to dislike team work and to avoid forming close personal relationships.
Rigid – Perfectionistic: Lacking expediency, inflexible, wedded to existing systems and procedures, unlikely to take a holistic, strategic view.
Confrontational – Challenging: Lacking in tact and diplomacy, forceful and pushy, domineering, inclined to upset others, insensitive.
Manipulative – Machiavellian: Political, prone to question others’ motive, reluctant to deal with people in an open and upfront manner.
Avoidant – Passive: Anxious, prone to self-doubt, threat sensitive, reluctant to express own views and opinions, socially avoidant.
Arrogant – Self-centred: Prone to ‘perform to the gallery’ and show off, opinionated, egotistical, inclined to dominate discussions.
Moody – Sullen: Emotional, changeable, pessimistic, lacking energy and drive, fearful of failure, reluctant to take decisions, dour, forlorn.
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